We are Financial Professionals

Dedicated to helping individuals achieve their financial goals

Managed Wealth Advantage

Managed Wealth Advantage, LLC is a full service investment management and financial planning firm in sunny St. George, Utah. David Polatis is a principle and investment advisor representative as well as a certified estate planner with experience advising seniors, retirees and pre-retirees in the area of investments, income and legacy planning.

His expertise focuses in the area of assisting individuals in avoiding common, potentially costly financial mistakes, as it relates to government benefits. Additionally, his firm offers many estate and retirement planning services such as assistance with asset protection and insurance related needs.

Financial Planning

Identify and prioritize your objectives. Whether it’s saving for retirement, buying a home, or funding your child’s education, having clear goals is essential.

Investment Management

Achieving specific investment goals by simplifying and maximizing the management of your portfolios.

Legacy Planning

Ensure that your legacy carries on to help your loved ones and that your final wishes are respected.

Retirement Planning

Make sense of and utilize different tax advantage vehicles to accomplish your retirement income goals.

Wealth Management

Make informed decisions about your assets to help achieve financial security, grow your wealth and protect it over time.

Generational Vault

Generational Vault never sleeps; it’s your 24-7-365 access to your accounts and important documents all in one place! Reach out to us today to discuss how Generational Vault can help you organize and safeguard the most important documents in your life.

Color of Money Risk Analysis

The Color of Money Risk Analysis assesses your financial picture and provides a roadmap to your overall risk preferences. The output will be a Color of Money score. This short, interactive analysis is one of the first steps on the road to retirement.

Schedule Your Complimentary Analysis